first page of Frank’s Next Mission

inky stories... my collection of comic book stories I self-publish through Rotten Kid Press. Most of the work is short, self-contained fiction. Genres include satire, horror, romance, sci-fi, and crime fiction, with occasional smatterings of historical and autobio/memoir.

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Work in Progress
Quasara: Into the Fletcherverse

Quasara returns to the Fletcherverse to battle a mad scientist and his fire-breathing bat-winged demon shrimps.

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front cover of Inky Stories #7
Inky Stories #7

"Cupid’s Got A Death Ray!", "Bottle of Red" (reprinted at standard size), "The Watchman", "Into the Dalek", and one-pager "Go Snow!" Print-only features: pinups, fake ads, and spotlight on Line Olsson!

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theme image of Fletcher Hanks blog
Fletcher Hanks

Fletcher Hanks (1889-1976) was an American cartoonist active from 1939 to 1941, best known for creating superheroine Fantomah* and superhero Stardust the Super Wizard.

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